For additional help in landing a rewarding career, look through the job boards of Barracuda Staffing. Helping Tulsa and OKC workers find jobs as well as companies find employees, Barracuda Staffing employment experts are pleased to help brighten the future for America's veterans with a new career.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Job Hunting For Military Veterans
For veterans getting out of the service, getting back into the swing of civilian society can be profoundly difficult. The private sector world doesn't quite function like the military does and interviewing for a job with a company can lack some of the traits associated with attempting to be promoted to a new rank. This may explain why the unemployment rate amongst veterans is higher than that of the rest of the population. In order to be as successful in the private sector as veterans may have been in the military, there are certain things they need to know as well as certain tips that can help them translate skills they developed while serving in the military. In order to get to make the most of the past military training as well as future job expectations, Gene Link of's Job Searching section provides many tips to help veterans land on their feet when they're not in combat boots.
For additional help in landing a rewarding career, look through the job boards of Barracuda Staffing. Helping Tulsa and OKC workers find jobs as well as companies find employees, Barracuda Staffing employment experts are pleased to help brighten the future for America's veterans with a new career.
For additional help in landing a rewarding career, look through the job boards of Barracuda Staffing. Helping Tulsa and OKC workers find jobs as well as companies find employees, Barracuda Staffing employment experts are pleased to help brighten the future for America's veterans with a new career.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
What They Can't Ask: Discriminatory Interview Questions
1. Does this question have anything to do with the position?
If an employer asks a question that has nothing to do with the position, the interviewer may have another reason for asking such a question. While, at times, these questions can be just to get a better picture of you as an individual, there are occasions when the interviewer has an ulterior motive for asking such a question. In this case, the interviewer is acting in an nonprofessional manner.
2. Does this question meet the criteria of being discriminatory?
There is a wide variety of questions that typically do not have anything to do with the position and can border on harassment. If the interviewer asks any questions about your religious beliefs, your race, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family status, these questions can actually be deemed illegal in certain instances. Still, this brings us to the next point.
3. What is the interviewer's intent by asking such questions?
Even if someone asks what can be deemed as a discriminatory question, there is a chance that the question was asked in ignorance of federal and state laws that ban such questions. The interviewee may not be meaning any offense, but rather is just ignorantly curious of someone's home life. Other reasons for asking such questions can relate back to number 1; that it has something to do with the position. If your faith requires you to have an unshorn beard of a lose-fitting head covering, this can pose a threat to your own safety in position working with fast-moving machinery or can possibly be in violation of the company's dress code. While hats may be against company policy, one with a religious requirement can typically request accommodation for the faith.
Before getting bent out of shape over a question that may have been asked without any negative intent, try either changing the subject or politely refusing to answer a certain question. If the interviewer continues to press the issue after you've made it clear that you're uncomfortable with answering the unrelated question, evaluate whether or not you desire to work for a company that allows people to ask such questions. Still, most companies do not encourage such discriminatory lines of questioning. If you feel like you've been the victim of discrimination based on your faith, an unrelated disability, sexual orientation, race, national origin, birth place, or your family status, you can mention this to someone else within the company or file a claim of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
It is important to remain calm and confident in a job interview; no matter the questions asked. While there are some who feel the need to ask inappropriate questions, most all interviewers will proceed with the interview in a strictly professional manner.
For help finding Tulsa jobs or Oklahoma City jobs, start your search with the employment services of Barracuda Staffing.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The "Thank You" Note
One of the most important concepts to keep in mind leading up to, during, and after a job interview is the fact that the company interviewing you didn't have to, but rather chose, to interview you. While it is important to be confident in an interview, it is also extremely humble and accommodating. One way to be thoroughly humble is to send the company or interviewer a "thank you" note following the interview. Even if you are interviewed and aren't considered for the position, a very simple expression of gratitude for the fact that they were even willing to spend some of their time with you can help leave a positive impression that they may remember the next time another position opens up. In order to learn the ins and outs of a tastefully-professional "thank you" note or letter, read up on the job tips from the experts at Job Search at In order to open a door to great Tulsa jobs and OKC jobs, log onto Barracuda Staffing Services' website for listings of some great positions waiting for you.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Terribly Bizarre Job Interview Questions
To get started on a new career, check out the job board on the official website of Barracuda Staffing. For jobs in Tulsa, OK or Oklahoma City, let the staffing services of Barracuda Staffing Employment experts work for you!
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