
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Job Hunting - Job Searching For a Better Year

2013 job finding super man
On the top of many people's lists of New Years resolutions - aside from losing weight - is finding a new job. For some, that may mean just finding a job at all. In order to make 2013 your best year yet, let these following tips help you hit the ground running toward becoming the new you in the new year. 

Leave previous failures in 2012. 
In order to excel in finding a wonderful new job, you have to have the right mindset. Just going with the flow and dragging all your past baggage into the interview room is not going to benefit you. In this case, leave all your past failures from 2012 in 2012 and act as though you've been given a new chance...because you have! 

Put yourself out there like you never have before. 
Perhaps some bad things happened to you in 2012 such as losing your job or being at a job where you didn't feel appreciated, etc. Any number of things can lead people to want to pursue a new career. Moving forward is all about positive energy and optimism. Even something as seemingly trivial the beginning of a new calendar year can be enough motivation to shut the door on past unpleasant experiences and seek after the career you want. 

Set up a new regimen for getting what you want. 
So, maybe the tactics you were using last year didn't foster many results - big deal! We always have the chance to dust ourselves off, get up, and try again. Just make sure that if you're not getting any results for your efforts, try and change things up a bit to see what happens. Sit down and map out how you're going to spend your time each day. See what methods work the best in allowing you to push through a conversation, what your "elevator pitch" (what you would say if you were in an elevator with the head of HR and only had 30 seconds to pitch yourself) for yourself would be, etc. Spend time formulating a plan A, plan B, plan C, and extra. Remember the definition of insanity - attempting the same thing multiple times and expecting different results. 2013 is your chance for a fresh approach!

For additional help in job seeking, HR expert and blogger Alison Doyle has a whole plethora of tips on finding the dream career you've been searching for. For additional help locating a great job, trust the Tulsa staffing services of Barracuda Staffing. Also providing OKC staffing services, Barracuda staffing is excited to back you in finding a great new career.

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